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What is the typical lease length and value?
The typical lease agreement length for Metro Haven Mall spans two to five years.

The total value of contracts ranges between $15,000 and $175,000 per year and lasts two to five years.

The contract value highly depends on the leased area. The average price per square meter is $280.

File references & in-browser preview

Are there NDAs with a legal venue outside of the UK?
Found one matching document.

Lease agreementsIkea

Ikea 2 N Circular Rd.pdf

Citations & sources

List the quarterly profits of the companies in the "Customer reports" folder.
Found three companies in the customer reports folder. Analysing...
Here's the list of quarterly profits of the companies:
BMW ($3.043B

BMW Q3 2023.pdf

Third-quarter segment profit before tax increased slightly to $ 3,043 million (2022: $ 2,963 million; +2.7 %). BMW Group Quarterly Sta...

McDonalds ($2.322B), and
Blackstone ($0.844B).

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